Spread the Word

One of the most important ways you can help your kids is to share your experience with others. Tell your story. Share *photos, inspiring quotes, fundraiser info, links to our website, personal stories, and more.

Share your experience, on social media

Social Media

We love it when our volunteers spread the word about OSSO via social media! It's one of the easiest and most effective ways to tell your story and encourage others to apply or donate.

Use #ossovolunteer on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.

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Whether you start a travel blog before, during, or after your time with OSSO, blogging is a great way to share your experience. Get others interested and excited about volunteering for and donating to OSSO using your personal blog. 

And blog for OSSO! Email us at info@orphanagesupport.org stories and photos of your experiences and we'll post them on our blog and social media.

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Word of mouth

Use every opportunity you can to tell others about your time as an OSSO volunteer. Word of mouth is the number one way potential volunteers hear about OSSO. Don't let any chance to share your love for your kids pass you by.

*While we encourage the sharing of photos from your trip, remember all volunteers agreed to never take photos of the children and to never bring picture-taking devices (cameras, phones, etc.) to the orphanages. Sharing photos of the orphans online is strictly prohibited due to child safety laws.